An American Love Aair: 70 Years of Corvee
Naonal Corvee Museum 70th Anniversary Presentaon
If you have been to the Naonal Corvee Museum in the past and do not believe it is worth going again, it is not the
same. Their investment in audio, video, new displays, and people are well worth a second visit. If you have never been,
thinking it is just an old car museum, it is worth the me to go – it will be me well spent and a memory that will last.
For the 70th anniversary of the Corvee, the Naonal Corvee Museum has invested heavily in technology and new
displays to provide a never before experienced exhibit. The event opened to the public on June 30th, the 70th anniversary
of the rst Corvee. The event was heavily aended by NCRS members such as Mark Tully and Mike Ingham with many
of the new cars being sourced by Vito Cimilluca.
The exhibit is all new with upgraded technology including an eight and a half feet tall LED display that covers the outer
perimeter of the Skydome where the cars are displayed and exceponal audio to provide the largest T V viewing
presentaon you will encounter short of a jumbotron at an NFL football game.
The presentaon was designed by the Naonal Corvee Museum team and takes you through the early creaon of the
Corvee but quickly brings back our memories of the 60s, 70 and 80s and America’s love aair with the Corvee and
notes that Barbie didn’t drive a Mustang. It shows the Corvee featured in various shows. songs and movies like Route
66 which take many of us back to a me when we were younger and could not wait to buy a Corvee or the pride of
owning one. It reminds us of our love aair – 70 years of the Corvee.